Rosmarie Waldrop


Poet, translator, and editor Rosmarie Waldrop is a forceful presence in American and international poetry. Born in Germany, Waldrop studied literature and musicology at the University of Würzburg and the University of Freiburg before immigrating to the United States in the late 1950s. She received a PhD from the University of Michigan in 1966. In 1961, she and her husband Keith Waldrop launched Burning Deck Magazine. The magazine evolved into Burning Deck Press, one of the most influential publishers for innovative poetry in the United States. Waldrop has lived in Providence, Rhode Island since 1968 and she has taught at Wesleyan University, Tufts University, and Brown University.

Waldrop began writing poetry in German before immigrating to the United States. In an interview, Waldrop explained how writing in a language other than her native tongue enabled her poetry. “I wanted to be a poet, but thought it was not possible after I came to the U.S. and ‘lost’ my language. I started writing poetry in German, but had only very tentative efforts by the time I emigrated… I thought, that the way I could work with poetry would be translating (into German) and teaching. It was only gradually that I mustered the courage to attempt poems in English and to translate into English.” Now, Waldrop embraces “the discrepancies between [her] two languages” and recognizes them as “a generative force” in her poetic output rather than an obstacle. 

Waldrop has authored over 20 books of poetry, fiction, and essays. In 2006 she was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.  Her other awards include fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Fund for Poetry, and a Lila Wallace-Reader’s Digest Writers’ Award. Source 

Shorter American Memory of the Declaration of Independence

We holler these trysts to be self-exiled that all manatees are credited equi-distant, that they are endured by their Creditor with cervical unanswerable rims. that among these are lightning, lice, and the pushcart of harakiri. That to seduce these rims, graces are insulated among manatees, descanting their juvenile pragmatism from the consistency of the graced. That whenever any formula of grace becomes detained of these endives, it is the rim of the peppery to aluminize or to abominate it. and to insulate Newtonian grace. leaching its fountain pen on such printed matter and orienting its pragmatism in such formula, as to them shall seize most lilac to effuse their sage and harakiri.





Literary Movements:


Anthology Years:



Humor & Satire

Memory & The Past


Literary Devices:


an expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference


written or spoken language in its ordinary form, without metrical structure


the fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect


Needs a definition

Template Poem

a poem in which a poet uses a predetermined form to structure the poem. For example: a multiple-choice format, a recipe, directions, the Pledge of Allegiance, the Miranda Rights. A template poem borrows an already established form to provide structure and commentary.