SG Huerta


SG Huerta (they/them/elle) is a queer Xicanx writer from Dallas. They received their MFA in creative writing from Texas State University. SG is the Lead Poetry Acquisitions Editor and Managing Editor of Abode Press, a Texan nonprofit press founded on antiracism, anticolonialism, intersectionality, and empathy. A 2023 Roots. Wounds. Words. Fellow, they also serve as a nonfiction co-editor for ANMLY and a marketing co-director for Split Lip Magazine. SG is the author of two poetry chapbooks: The Things We Bring with Us (Headmistress Press 2021), whose title poem was nominated for a Pushcart Prize; and Last Stop (Defunkt Magazine 2023). Their nonfiction chapbook GOOD GRIEF is coming soon (fifth wheel press 2025). They write about trans/literary things in their newsletter, trans poetica. They live in Texas with their partner and two cats. Source
