Wendy Battin

Born: 1953

Wendy Battin, (1953-2015) was an American poet and educator from Wilmington, Delaware. A graduate from Cornell University and the University of Washington, Battin taught at several universities, including MIT, Smith College, Syracuse University, Boston University, and Connecticut College. Her work has been featured in several publications, including the Field, the Georgia Review, the Gettysburg Review, Poetry, The Nation, Mississippi Review, Three Penny Review, and The Yale Review. Battin served as the director of the Contemporary American Poets Archive and has received fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Ingram Merrill Foundation, and the Fine Arts Work Center, and in 1982 Battin received the Discovery/The Nation award, and the 1983 National Poetry Series Award. Battin has published several works, including In the Solar Wind, And the Two Give Birth to the Myriad of Things, News and Sundries, and The Women on the Ward, and her work has been published in many anthologies, such as American War Story, Poet’s Against War, and The Sacred Place: Witnessing the Holy in the Physical World.
