Brod Bagert


Poet Brod Bagert is the author of over ten books of poetry for children, young adults, and adults. A former lawyer and New Orleans City Councilman, Bagert penned his first poem as a favor to his daughter, who needed a poem to recite in a school program. Bagert realized that few poems written in children’s voices were available, and so wrote one himself. Since then, he has helped change children’s poetry in America, focusing on performance as well as the poem itself.  Bagert’s books of poetry for children include Elephant Games and Other Playful Poems to Perform (1995), and School Fever (2008). His collections for adults include A Bullfrog at Café DuMonde (2008) and Steel Cables (2008). An active presence in schools nationwide, Bagert compares himself to Johnny Appleseed because he journeys across America, planting a love of poetry in children. Source

To You from Me

Like a message in a bottle that is

cast into the sea,

my poems are messages of hope

I  send to you from me.


Hope that you’ll grow very wise

and also very strong–

wise to know what’s right, and strength

to choose it over wrong.


In each of them I search to find

exactly what to say

to help you laugh at all your fears

and rise to seize the day.


And so I send these little poems

because that’s what I do,

each nothing but a seed until

it finds a home in you.


I write because I love you.

I love you with all my heart.

And making poems, such as they are,

is how I do my part. 




Literary Movements:


Anthology Years:



Ars Poetica

Strength & Resilience

Literary Devices:

End Rhyme

when a poem has lines ending with words that sound the same


a comparison between two unrelated things through a shared characteristic


a comparison between two unlike things using the words “like” or “as”