& so it is written: the settlers will steal God’s land & FREE PALESTINE
will curse the settlers with an inability to season FREE PALESTINE’s food,
a sunburn the shape of the settler dictator’s face on everyone who will claim
FREE PALESTINE’s earth but not FREE PALESTINE’s skin
soil-stained. there. FREE PALESTINE said it. no one really owns anything FREE
PALESTINE didn’t unwrite to make it so—FREE PALESTINE’s sea
israeli; FREE PALESTINE’s sky israeli but not FREE PALESTINE’s thunder—
the blame will always be FREE PALESTINE’s & so this will be called an accurate
history; the expense of FREE PALESTINE’s visibility, willed in bloodied cloth—
or paper—FREE PALESTINE’s longest suicide: FREE PALESTINE will die
in jail & become israeli—FREE PALESTINE will die in protest & become
kite on fire—FREE PALESTINE will call Hamas fable of every
HEADLINE: israeli falafel so dry FREE PALESTINE could start an intifada with it
HEADLINE: israeli falafel so dry FREE PALESTINE could free Palestine with it
no, FREE PALESTINE will never give FREE PALESTINE’s self a name
not rooted in upheaval—FREE PALESTINE, hyphenated by settler flag:
FREE PALESTINE hyphenated by settler pronouns: FREE PALESTINE will not
pledge allegiance to Arabic. or english. FREE PALESTINE will exist
in no language; FREE PALESTINE will write poems of olive tree & checkpoint
with no free Palestine to be found; FREE PALESTINE will name the violence
& never the resurrection, like FREE PALESTINE hasn’t survived impossible
histories to get here. It is written: the blood will be on FREE PALESTINE’s
hands—might as well paint FREE PALESTINE’s nails while FREE PALESTINE’s
at it—what? is this not what FREE PALESTINE expected? did FREE
PALESTINE not think FREE PALESTINE would have the last laugh all along?
Ars Poetica
Poetic Form
Violence & War
an instruction or a command
the attribution of human qualities to a non-human thing
a recurrence of the same word or phrase two or more times
Rhetorical Question
a question asked for effect, not necessarily to be answered