1. smoke above the burning bush
2. archnemesis of summer night
3. first son of soil
4. coal awaiting spark & wind
5. guilty until proven dead
6. oil heavy starlight
7. monster until proven ghost
8. gone
9. phoenix who forgets to un-ash
10. going, going, gone
11. gods of shovels & black veils
12. what once passed for kindling
13. fireworks at dawn
14. brilliant, shadow hued coral
15. (I thought to leave this blank
but who am I to name us nothing?)
16. prayer who learned to bite & sprint
17. a mother’s joy & clutched breath
Spoken Word
Intersectionality & Culture
Poetic Form
the repetition of the same letter or sound at the beginning of words appearing in succession
List Poem
A list poem features an inventory of people, places, things, or ideas organized in a particular way, usually numbered.
a comparison between two unrelated things through a shared characteristic