a groundwind wishes away
the dandelion
and quarters the citrus
like wind
you come panting and aimless
bringing your own lumber
to warp and termite yourself
when you touch my face
you believe it is perfectable
you say
this is perfectable
when you move
you move like a carousel of flames
see: a row of broken chairs
in the pinerot
see: a petal
pressed between needle and skin
if the whole body were an eye
where would the hearing be
when I dream I dream like an ox
broken plow after broken plow
patience is a virtue
and virtue is easy
I only need to fear
the parts of you I can see
Love & Relationships
the replacement of one part of speech for another, often referred to as a “functional shift.”
conversation between two or more people as a feature of a book, play, or movie
a comparison between two unlike things using the words “like” or “as”