we are gathered in truth,
because my therapist said
it was time to stop running,
& i pay my therapist too much
to be wrong, so i am here.
my monsters look almost human
in the sterile office light.
my monsters say they want
to be friends. i remember
when we first met, me & my
monsters. i remember the moment
i planted each one. each time
i tried to shed a piece of myself,
it grew into a monster. take this one
with the collar of belly fat
the monster called Chubby, Husky,
Gordito. i climbed out of that skin
as fast as i could, only to see some spirit
give it legs. i ran & it never stopped
chasing me. each new humiliation
coming to life & following after me.
after me, a long procession of sad
monsters. each monster hungry
to drag me back, to return me
to the dirt i came from. ashes
to ashes, fat boy to fat.
my monsters crowd around me,
my therapist says i can't
make the monsters disappear
no matter how much i pay her.
all she can do is bring them
into the room, so i can get
to know them, so i can learn
their names, so i can see
clearly their toothless mouths,
their empty hands, their pleading eyes.
Body & Body Image
Mental Health
a break between words within a metrical foot
a line break interrupting the middle of a phrase which continues on to the next line
a comparison between two unrelated things through a shared characteristic
the attribution of human qualities to a non-human thing
A stanza of three lines of verse that rhyme together or are connected by rhyme with an adjacent stanza.
Varied syntax
diverse sentence structure