In case you haven’t realized it has somehow become necessary for old white men to tell me how to speak
They like, interrupt a conversation that isn’t even theirs, and are like “speak like you mean it” and like “the internet is ruining the English language.”
And they like, put my “parentheticals,” my “likes” and “ums,” and “you knows” on a wait list.
Tell them no one will take them seriously in a frilly pink dress. Or that make-up.
Tell them they have a confidence problem. That they should learn to speak up, like the hyper-masculine words were always the first to raise their hands.
Declarative sentences, so-called, because they declared themselves to be the loudest, most truest, most taking up the most space, most totally white man sentences.
Have always told me that being angry has never helped like, anybody.
Has only gotten in the way of helping them declare more about how they’ll never be forgotten like, ever.
And it’s like maybe I’m always speaking in questions because I’m so used to being cut off.
Like maybe, this is a defense mechanism: Maybe everything girls do is evolution of defense mechanism.
But I guess feelings never helped anybody.
I guess like, tears never made change.
I guess like everything girls do is a waste of time
So welcome to the bandwagon of my own uncertainty.
Watch as I stick flowers into your “punctuation mark” guns, ’cause you can’t just challenge authority. You have to take it to the mall, too.
Teach it to do the “bend and snap.” Paint its nails, braid its hair, tell it it looks like, really good today.
And in that moment before you murder it with all of the in your like, softness, you let it know that like this, like this moment is like, um, you know, me using my voice.
Spoken Word
Humor & Satire
an expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference
a figure of speech in which words repeat at the beginning of successive clauses, phrases, or sentences
conversation between two or more people as a feature of a book, play, or movie
the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect
the attribution of human qualities to a non-human thing
a recurrence of the same word or phrase two or more times
the use of irony to mock or convey contempt