crying / while putting on socks / thinking of skipping
school / thinking of sleeping all day / panic comes / not
a wave / more earthquake / jammed door way / can’t get
out / can’t even stand / think of calling out of work / guilt
/ broken / you / why are you like this? / why aren’t you
normal? / more crying / bed is not bed / more a temporary
death / alive so exhausting / rather not move / until you’re
less / you / no one talk to me / thinking of missing work /
wash face / get bag / deep breath / sit on couch too long /
cry more / quiet now / quiet / time to go / will they know?
/ you survived?
Spoken Word
Mental Health
Poems of the Everyday
a break between words within a metrical foot
Media Res
a literary work that begins in the middle of the action (from the Latin “into the middle of things)
a comparison between two unrelated things through a shared characteristic
a situation that seems to contradict itself
The use of multiple words with the same root in different forms.
Rhetorical Question
a question asked for effect, not necessarily to be answered
Slant Rhyme
A rhyme where the words have similar sounds in their stressed syllables.