Michal ‘MJ’ Jones


Michal ‘MJ’ Jones is a Pushcart Prize nominated poet & parent in Oakland, CA. Their poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Anomaly, Kissing Dynamite, Muzzle Magazine, and TriQuarterly Review. They have a debut full-length poetry collection HOOD VACATIONS from Black Lawrence Press, nominated for the 2024 Lambda Literary Award in Transgender Poetry, and a chapbook, SOFT ARMOR, from Nomadic Press. Often addressing the troubling and haunting aspects of life, violence, and identity, MJ’s work blends the lyrical, documentary, and confessional modes. MJ serves as the Editor-In-Chief of Foglifter Press, a premier journal publishing trans and queer literature. They have received fellowships from Lambda Literary, Hurston/Wright Foundation, VONA/Voices, & Kearny Street Workshop. They received their MFA in Poetry from Mills College, where they received the distinguished Community Engagement Fellowship. Source

And Everything Nice

After Wanda Coleman


Before we warred

there was sweet.


We would sneak the stuff—

our saccharine secret—


somehow sure it made us sinners.

It started at four (or sometime before):


Slurping of Log Cabin syrup

right down from its cap,


brother & I howling. Passed it back and

forth on Saturday mornings. We’d


rocket across grasshopper’s green yard

until fuel burnt up & needed


re-stocking. We sweetened unnatural

places. Brown rice n chicken,


Kraft mac n cheese,

or guzzled it straight, no chaser,


let grains dissolve in

gluttonous caverns.


Stirred six cups into Kool-Aid pitchers.

Before-during-after we learned


of bitterness, of absence,

we slammed sugar unsupervised.


Knew nothing of what

too much could do to our


insatiable bodies. Knew nothing

of restraint. Knew nothing of life’s


undoing. But we knew enough

to keep this secret sacred &


beneath the kitchen table.





Literary Movements:


Anthology Years:



Childhood & Coming of Age



Joy & Praise

Memory & The Past

Literary Devices:

After Poems

A poem where the form, theme, subject, style, or line(s) is inspired by the work another poet.


the repetition of the same letter or sound at the beginning of words appearing in succession


a figure of speech in which words repeat at the beginning of successive clauses, phrases, or sentences


two lines of verse, usually in the same meter and joined by rhyme, that form a unit

Internal Rhyme

A rhyme involving a word in the middle of a line and another at the end of the line or in the middle of the next.


A word that, when spoken aloud, has a sound that is associated with the thing or action being named.

Slant Rhyme

A rhyme where the words have similar sounds in their stressed syllables.

Varied Punctuation

diverse use of punctuation.