Aaron Tyler Hand


Aaron Tyler Hand is a creative writer with an MFA from Texas State University. He has previously been published in San Antonio Express-News, Houston Chronicle, Faultline Journal, GASHER Journal, HASH Journal, Funicular Magazine, Meniscus, among others. In addition to his own creative writing pursuits, Aaron volunteers his time to the prison teaching non-profit Rough Draft and hosts the poetry podcast The Personhood Project. He lives in Portland, Oregon. He lives in Portland, Oregon. Source (Photo credit: Kale Hensley)

Self-Portrait as a Combination Taco Bell / Pizza Hut / KFC

the unholy trinity of suburban late-night salvation
barring seemingly endless options of worship 


bean burrito breadsticks and mashed potatoes
or a soft taco pan pizza and a buttered biscuit 


an unimaginable combination of food flavors
for people not ready to go home to their parents 


and yet none of the options feel quite right
so maybe I should call it Self-Portrait as idling 


in a drive-thru with your friends crammed
across the sunken bench seats avoiding 


the glow of the check engine light with black tape
pressed with a precision unseen anywhere else 


in their lives as a fractured voice says don’t worry
take your time and order whenever you’re ready 


from behind a menu backlit like the window
inside of a confessional booth as the hands 


of the driver open up like a collection basket
for the wadded-up bills and loose change 


that slowly stack up as the years go by
and I’m not sure what I’m supposed to be 


in this analogy but I know about masking
warning signs and hearing out of tune 


voices scream WE’RE THE KIDS WHO FEEL
LIKE DEAD ENDS so instead I’ll call it Self- 


Portrait as From Under the Cork Tree
or maybe even Self-Portrait as whatever 


album people listen to when they love
their friends and still want to feel connected 

to the grass walls of a teenage wasteland
that they can’t help but run away from





Literary Movements:


Anthology Years:



Ars Poetica

Childhood & Coming of Age



Humor & Satire

Music & Sports

Pop Culture

Literary Devices:


the repetition of the same letter or sound at the beginning of words appearing in succession


an expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference


a figure of speech that creates a comparison by showing how two seemingly different entities are alike, along with illustrating a larger point due to their commonalities


two lines of verse, usually in the same meter and joined by rhyme, that form a unit

Sensory Detail

words used to invoke the five senses (vision, hearing, taste, touch, smell)


a comparison between two unlike things using the words “like” or “as”

Transferred Epithet

When an adjective usually used to describe one thing is transferred to another.