Douglas Kearney


Poet, interdisciplinary writer, and performer Douglas Kearney grew up in Altadena, California. He earned his BA from Howard University and his MFA from the California Institute of the Arts and is also a graduate and fellow of Cave Canem. Kearney’s lyrical poems range across the page, bridging thematic concerns such as politics, African-American culture, masks, the Trickster figure, and contemporary music. He describes the nontraditional layout of his poems as “performative typography.” He is the recipient of the Foundation for Contemporary Arts Cy Twombly award. He teaches at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Source

What It Do Done Red

I love your body. I hate it.


but do I hate to love your body

or do I love hating your body

or do I hate “I love your body”

or do I love your body to hate it

or do I love your body since I hate it

or do I hate loving your body because of it?





Literary Movements:


Anthology Years:



Body & Body Image

Literary Devices:


a figure of speech in which words repeat at the beginning of successive clauses, phrases, or sentences


a person or thing that is the direct opposite of someone or something else