Once again it is fall all around us
there are sports teams praying
for god to smite their opponents
which you know I love like I love
the idea of god walking dripless out
of the ocean a monster no one can be
sure is here to protect or destroy
our seaside cities and I love that we can
scream whatever we want knowing
it can be fixed later in the subtitles
and I love the scrub pine for looking
exactly how it sounds and I love
memory for continuing to be the past
with a leak in it somehow I love you
a little better every day surprised by it
each morning the way I am always
surprised by how goats make the sound
of drunks making goat noises
Love & Relationships
Memory & The Past
Music & Sports
a person or thing that is the direct opposite of someone or something else
Internal Rhyme
A rhyme involving a word in the middle of a line and another at the end of the line or in the middle of the next.
a comparison between two unrelated things through a shared characteristic
the use of more words than necessary to express meaning, redundancy
a comparison between two unlike things using the words “like” or “as”