Jeremy Radin


Jeremy Radin is a poet, actor, and teacher. He's appeared on several television shows including It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, CSI, ER, and Zoey 101, in films such as The Way Back, starring Ben Affleck and directed by Gavin O'Connor, Terrence Malick's The New World and Wrestlemaniac, and in many plays. His poems have appeared in Ploughshares, Crazyhorse, The Colorado Review, The Journal, and elsewhere.  He is the author of two collections of poetry, Slow Dance with Sasquatch (Write Bloody Publishing) and Dear Sal (not a cult press). He lives in Los Angeles. Follow him @germyradin Source

Ode to Your Stretch Marks

Praise now the blushing tally, the full measure

of your expanding grace. Whether by feasting,


childbirth, the years dragging their fingers down 

your body, praise. Praise the proof of your delight, 


these good roads plunging into the tender folds of your

satin swamp, heavy with heaven. Praise now this inverted 


braille that a lover will lick your history out of, that your children  

will marvel at. The undone signature of what could not claim you. 


Know that Hideous has no further business here we only autograph 

what is not longer ours. Praise these hieroglyphics meaning thank you


meaning rise, meaning all that has entered has left a mark, I am immune

to nothing, thank God, thank God! Praise these gloried lines like creases 


in a parachute, zippers opening, reams of elastic, like this is how the body 

                                                                                        makes room for what it loves.






Literary Movements:


Anthology Years:



Body & Body Image

Joy & Praise

Literary Devices:


a line break interrupting the middle of a phrase which continues on to the next line


a comparison between two unlike things using the words “like” or “as”