Percy Bysshe Shelley


Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) was an English Romantic poet, dramatist, essayist, and novelist. Shelley wrote and published consistently however most publishers and journals refused to publish his works for fear of being arrested for blasphemy or sedition. His works were highly influential to the following generation of Victorian and Pre-Raphaelite poets and continued to inspire contemporary poets to this day. Source

Love's Philosophy

The fountains mingle with the river 

And the rivers with the oceans, 

The winds of heaven mix for ever 

With a sweet emotion; 

Nothing in the world is single, 

All things by a law divine 

In one spirit meet and mingle— 

Why not I with thine? 


See the mountains kiss high heaven, 

And the waves clasp one another; 

No sister-flower would be forgiven 

If it disdain’d its brother; 

And the sunlight clasps the earth 

And the moonbeams kiss the sea— 

What is all this sweet work worth 


If thou kiss not me?






Literary Movements:


Anthology Years:



Love & Relationships

Literary Devices:


visually descriptive or figurative language, especially in a literary work


the attribution of human qualities to a non-human thing

Rhetorical Question

a question asked for effect, not necessarily to be answered